For you, Pop-Pop.

December 5, 1937 – September 3, 2012

2 thoughts on “Remembering Juan Serra

  1. Thank you Jeff, for making this tribute to Tio Juan’s life. I could not keep the tears away. You captured our whole family and showed the love that Juan had for us all. The film clips of family gatherings are a treasure. Revisiting those times are priceless. I miss all of those family members that have left us. Bittersweet to see them all in the film. My mom,Maria;
    my dad Julio;your grandpa tio Juan;cousin Alina;uncle Ed; abuela Valeria and abuelo Antonio. So much love and care in our family during those times.. I hope it stays alive. Thank you for making this film. Juan was my favorite uncle and we were close. This tribute of films that you compiled was beautiful.

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